Some of the Old Goats I've known

I was leading a group of young people in the Welsh Mountains one day some Moons ago. Our route took us up Tryfan via the Heather Terrace then up Bristly Ridge and onto the Glyder Plateau. The plan was to then go over the Glyders and down Devils Kitchen and back to Ogwen Cottage and our campsite at Upper Corris. On reaching the Glyder Plateau I handed the task of navigating to one of the youngsters. Within Minutes the Cloud base descended and without taking enough care we lost our bearings on the Map! We stumbled on a group of inexperienced climbers who were panicking about the situation so I decided to take charge and organise a safe escape off the Mountain. This unfortunately took us down the wrong side of the Mountain into the Llanberris Pass and left us with a 10 mile trek back to our base camp. Still we were safe and the group were all grateful. On the way down, at one point the Sun broke through the clouds and lit up a group of wild Goats with huge horns and fleece coats.These paintings came about from this memory at a later date back in mt studio.